Lately, I've been immersed in a lot of different ideas and concepts behind digital marketing. Two areas in which I have learned quite a bit have been Law Firm SEO and back-link generation. And now, a few thoughts about these two areas in particular . . .
Regarding Law Firm SEO, it is important. According to, there are 1.34 million lawyers in the United States of America in 2018. With that kind of popularity, some things may be helpful in getting a law firm's website in front of the eyes of hopeful clients and out of a possible sea of obscurity. It may take some effort, however, to get from spot 500,000 to the top ten in Google searches. Thankfully, however, another recent boom has been with digital marketing agencies and experts in SEOs. Rather than spending time trying to manage and run advertising campaigns, lawyers can hire agencies or even freelance internet marketers to help take care of getting their law firm out into the open. There are a lot of different ways to engage in SEO, including improving accuracy and quality of landing pages and back-link generation. The latter is a feature which I have discovered more fully in recent days.
Although I am somewhat in the beginning stages of mastering digital marketing, I feel that with so much help from friends, associates, and great resources online, I am beginning to become much more well-versed in the field. Most recently, I dived into how to create back-links and what may differentiate quality backlinks from ones that may not have as much of an impact. For example, other individuals and organizations may take great notice at those who write great blog posts and other valuable online works. Once they take notice, they may likely mention you in their own writing, with probably links in their own publications taking the reader and clicker of the links to your own web pages. Perhaps not quite as influential are things like attempting to shallowly ask for a link on someone's web page through e-mail without providing anything substantial and/or they can reference. If you feel like you need help in SEO in general, including specifically with generating quality back-links, it may be smart to contact Nifty Marketing. The company focuses on SEO especially for law firms, but would likely gladly help any organization get some extra boost in their marketing engines to start becoming a leader in their market.
I hope this is only the beginning to what is to come in a flood of digital marketing information, training, and mastery!
Peanut Butter in the Summer
Friday, October 19, 2018
Friday, August 5, 2016
A Look down Memory Lane
I have been blessed to have had this class this summer term. Sister Steadman has a cool, pretty easy-going attitude. I not only learned about writing English, but I also learned a thing or two about family history. It was great to meet good people and see their examples in my class.
Even though I am progressing as a writer and am not perfect, I think I have at least a few strengths when it comes to writing. One thing I've noticed that I can do pretty well at is writing off the fly and going off first impressions and writing with a short amount of time allotted to me. When we were supposed to bring an intro for our group assignment, this week, I hadn't known that until maybe two hours before class. I also needed to write nine or so blog posts and make nine or so comments. I ended up writing that intro in fifteen minutes or so. I thought it was sort of garbage when I had finished it, but I got pretty good feedback from my team, which was a miracle. I feel like I am also strong in keeping track of what I write, in terms of blog posts and comments and sources from which I draw information. I kept track of my blog posts and comments pretty well in a Google doc and did pretty well at citing my sources shortly after I put down information in my paper from a source.
One of my weaknesses in writing is being prepared. I really need to work on starting on writing assignments early and and going over them and going through multiple drafts. I think I can also work on being simple in my writing. It helps to sort of be on the fly and have a time crunch for me sometimes; if I'm not, then I can get too caught up in all the details of what I'm writing. It can become less manageable and less smooth. I also feel like I can be a better group member. I am thankful our group paper and presentations turned out as well as they did, but I feel like I can be a better group member in general and bring positivity and more insights into the group.
The class was great and also not quite what I expected. It was a lot more laid back than what I was potentially expecting. I also wasn't expecting so much exposure to family history. I'm glad we got opportunities to work amongst each other, which was great, but I feel I could've gotten to know my other classmates better. I definitely learned the importance of opposing arguments and the art of taking them and making a claim and working in evidence. That was cool.
One highlight for me was definitely this blog. This blog helped me gain opportunities to view awesome things, including blogs of my classmates, and write and express and teach. It was great to talk about things that are important to me and be free in what I wrote about them. I think that is good in life in general to have opportunities to do things in an unstructured manner.
Even though I am progressing as a writer and am not perfect, I think I have at least a few strengths when it comes to writing. One thing I've noticed that I can do pretty well at is writing off the fly and going off first impressions and writing with a short amount of time allotted to me. When we were supposed to bring an intro for our group assignment, this week, I hadn't known that until maybe two hours before class. I also needed to write nine or so blog posts and make nine or so comments. I ended up writing that intro in fifteen minutes or so. I thought it was sort of garbage when I had finished it, but I got pretty good feedback from my team, which was a miracle. I feel like I am also strong in keeping track of what I write, in terms of blog posts and comments and sources from which I draw information. I kept track of my blog posts and comments pretty well in a Google doc and did pretty well at citing my sources shortly after I put down information in my paper from a source.
One of my weaknesses in writing is being prepared. I really need to work on starting on writing assignments early and and going over them and going through multiple drafts. I think I can also work on being simple in my writing. It helps to sort of be on the fly and have a time crunch for me sometimes; if I'm not, then I can get too caught up in all the details of what I'm writing. It can become less manageable and less smooth. I also feel like I can be a better group member. I am thankful our group paper and presentations turned out as well as they did, but I feel like I can be a better group member in general and bring positivity and more insights into the group.
The class was great and also not quite what I expected. It was a lot more laid back than what I was potentially expecting. I also wasn't expecting so much exposure to family history. I'm glad we got opportunities to work amongst each other, which was great, but I feel I could've gotten to know my other classmates better. I definitely learned the importance of opposing arguments and the art of taking them and making a claim and working in evidence. That was cool.
One highlight for me was definitely this blog. This blog helped me gain opportunities to view awesome things, including blogs of my classmates, and write and express and teach. It was great to talk about things that are important to me and be free in what I wrote about them. I think that is good in life in general to have opportunities to do things in an unstructured manner.
Monday, August 1, 2016
This last post before my final post is about you, my fellow ENGL 312 bloggers and any others who have checked out my blog.
First, to my fellow classmates in ENGL 312: what a time it has been! I hope all of us have learned a lot this term, so far, and hope all of us finish strong. I have learned from your examples of intelligence, creativity, beauty, presentation, insight, and friendliness. If only others new more fully what we know. I hope we can all keep sharing our examples of light and goodness to the world, pointing others to Christ so that many others can experience a much richer, happier, and exciting life.
To any that are not a ENGL 312 classmate who have taken a look at my blog: I am honored. Thank-you for taking the time to read my words. I hope that you have benefited from it and can go forward in helping others with your words and creativity. You can make such a big difference.
Feel free to check out this video. Thomas S. Monson is one of my heroes who has truly helped bring a positive difference into the world.
First, to my fellow classmates in ENGL 312: what a time it has been! I hope all of us have learned a lot this term, so far, and hope all of us finish strong. I have learned from your examples of intelligence, creativity, beauty, presentation, insight, and friendliness. If only others new more fully what we know. I hope we can all keep sharing our examples of light and goodness to the world, pointing others to Christ so that many others can experience a much richer, happier, and exciting life.
To any that are not a ENGL 312 classmate who have taken a look at my blog: I am honored. Thank-you for taking the time to read my words. I hope that you have benefited from it and can go forward in helping others with your words and creativity. You can make such a big difference.
Feel free to check out this video. Thomas S. Monson is one of my heroes who has truly helped bring a positive difference into the world.

I'm grateful for food. It is a precious fuel for physical performance, but also allots many opportunities for social interaction, expression of creativity, and helping uplift and impress others, such as that amazing lady who shouts for joy when she takes a bite of that delectable grilled cheese sandwich.
Miraculously, I take one big shopping trip about every five to six weeks. I spend somewhere around $115 to $160 each time I go, which ends up being somewhere in the realm of $18 to $35 dollars a week spent on food (and I eat quite a bit). I have been blessed to use this money on a lot of food, and, additionally, a lot of healthy food.
I support an approach of being thrifty and nutritionally-minded in purchasing food, but having a creative and smart approach to preparing and eating it. Something that has helped me save time time and not be so stressed is preparing food for the next day the night before the upcoming day. Also, even though I am a Nutritional Science major, I definitely support a wide variety of desserts and more confectionery delights, like those key lime cookies my cousin made recently. Honestly, if you have had a long day and need energy, a donut could be the perfect meal or supplement to your meal.
I hope your lives are filled with a exceedingly great amount of delicious foods to choose from. I'm grateful I get to be a Latter-Day Saint and have the opportunity to contribute throughout the year to those who may not be as fortunate as I am to get the food they need.
Let's eat!

I love learning! For much of my life, I have been so dedicated to learning the Gospel, which has involved me having my head in heart in the scriptures and being involved in lots of Church activities. Recently, though, I've noticed the powerful effect that academic learning has had on my life as well as simply fictional stories that I've taken the time to read and get to know.
For example, I'm reading a book called, "The Power of Habit." So far, this book has been amazing and very insightful. It talks about how human habit is formed and even suppressed and the differences habits have made in the lives of other people, such as Olympic athlete, Michael Phelps, and former Alcoa executive, Paul O'Neill. These people have been able to accomplish wonderful things---habit has made a difference.
I'm reading other books right now, as well, like Mere Christianity and Rich Dad Poor Dad, both of which I would probably recommend to anybody. It's amazing how much we can learn from books. Other mediums of technology can also provide amazing learning opportunities, such as television and internet blogs. I hope all of us can strive to become life-long learners. I'm a believer than even in the potential business of school, reading and learning in other ways can provide a richness in life that can contribute to greater success in school and greater happiness for us and those we love.
For example, I'm reading a book called, "The Power of Habit." So far, this book has been amazing and very insightful. It talks about how human habit is formed and even suppressed and the differences habits have made in the lives of other people, such as Olympic athlete, Michael Phelps, and former Alcoa executive, Paul O'Neill. These people have been able to accomplish wonderful things---habit has made a difference.
I'm reading other books right now, as well, like Mere Christianity and Rich Dad Poor Dad, both of which I would probably recommend to anybody. It's amazing how much we can learn from books. Other mediums of technology can also provide amazing learning opportunities, such as television and internet blogs. I hope all of us can strive to become life-long learners. I'm a believer than even in the potential business of school, reading and learning in other ways can provide a richness in life that can contribute to greater success in school and greater happiness for us and those we love.
This post is about school---why I like it and what I could do better to enjoy it and be successful in it.
School has been such a great opportunity. I have learned so much, including how to sing better, more of what is important to teach as a missionary, how to teach more effectively, a variety of biochemical pathways, different sociological processes, what is good to eat with respect to exercise, how to serve people more fully, how to be a better friend, and a multitude of other wonderful things. School has helped me gain discipline and balance in my life. It has helped me gain so many wonderful friends. I have been exposed to a lot of awesome examples from whom I've learned.
With that said. I feel I haven't enjoyed school as much as I should and haven't served others as much as I should over the last five years or so at BYU. I definitely can do better in these area and strive to make school a glorious experience that I'll remember forever with happiness in my heart. As much as I can, I would love to be selfless throughout my study here at BYU. What have you done to make school a more effective, enjoyable, and powerful experience? How have you served others and striven to be selfless during your time at school?
School has been such a great opportunity. I have learned so much, including how to sing better, more of what is important to teach as a missionary, how to teach more effectively, a variety of biochemical pathways, different sociological processes, what is good to eat with respect to exercise, how to serve people more fully, how to be a better friend, and a multitude of other wonderful things. School has helped me gain discipline and balance in my life. It has helped me gain so many wonderful friends. I have been exposed to a lot of awesome examples from whom I've learned.
With that said. I feel I haven't enjoyed school as much as I should and haven't served others as much as I should over the last five years or so at BYU. I definitely can do better in these area and strive to make school a glorious experience that I'll remember forever with happiness in my heart. As much as I can, I would love to be selfless throughout my study here at BYU. What have you done to make school a more effective, enjoyable, and powerful experience? How have you served others and striven to be selfless during your time at school?
I love my family! I am so grateful to be blessed with such an amazing family! I have struggled so much, in my life. I feel like without my family, I could be on the streets doing drugs without a job and a place to live. My family has helped save me from such a terrible life.
My dad is amazing---so practical and very selfless and helpful. He is one of the most funny people I know. He has wit and a more intellectual humor that I feel even the people with the most slapstick kind of humor would enjoy.
My mom is so loving. I have received many packages in the past seven years or so from being away from home, much of which I think has had to do with my mom. She has battled a number of challenges and her life, but has been an example of combating those with exercise and music and being involved in helping our home to be such a beautiful place. I also wouldn't be surprised if she reads like a thousand pages or more a week.
My brother, Jordan, is great and thoughtful---he has a unique sense of humor that can make crack up so much. He is really into videos and movies and hopes to get more involved in the movie industry some day, I think. He is a interesting treat-conniseur---feasting upon the latest versions of Oreo and new, creative versions of cereals that come out.
My brother, Aaron, has been such an example for me. In high school, he had so many friends and was so happy and energetic. He really helped change my life. I thought something like, "How can I be more like Aaron and be happy like him and have friends like him." When I followed his example more seemed to be a turning point in my life. I'm really grateful for him and his stalwart, fun, friendly, faithful, happy personality.
My brother, Cade, is a miracle on the Earth. He has become one of my best friends on Earth. His sense of humor is amazing and so natural. His dance moves may be unparalleled. I am amazed at how good of a friend he has been to me over the years. He is an example of happiness and laughter and seems to bring energy and happiness into any setting. He is also an athlete and a talented musician.
My sister, Emily, is a sweet angel, who has helped me so much at BYU. She is very talented and ambitious and has a diligent persistence in being happy and energetic. I'm so grateful for her example. She has been one of my best friends in life; I am so grateful that I have her friendship, now.
Recently I have been blessed with a few new members of my family---my sister-in-law, Jill, and Jill and Aaron's two children, Avery and Jett. They are amazing and help bring such happiness and perspective into my life.
Family is awesome! I hope I can stay even more connected with them in the coming years. I am confident that the more interaction we can have with family, the happier we'll be.
My dad is amazing---so practical and very selfless and helpful. He is one of the most funny people I know. He has wit and a more intellectual humor that I feel even the people with the most slapstick kind of humor would enjoy.
My mom is so loving. I have received many packages in the past seven years or so from being away from home, much of which I think has had to do with my mom. She has battled a number of challenges and her life, but has been an example of combating those with exercise and music and being involved in helping our home to be such a beautiful place. I also wouldn't be surprised if she reads like a thousand pages or more a week.
My brother, Jordan, is great and thoughtful---he has a unique sense of humor that can make crack up so much. He is really into videos and movies and hopes to get more involved in the movie industry some day, I think. He is a interesting treat-conniseur---feasting upon the latest versions of Oreo and new, creative versions of cereals that come out.
My brother, Aaron, has been such an example for me. In high school, he had so many friends and was so happy and energetic. He really helped change my life. I thought something like, "How can I be more like Aaron and be happy like him and have friends like him." When I followed his example more seemed to be a turning point in my life. I'm really grateful for him and his stalwart, fun, friendly, faithful, happy personality.
My brother, Cade, is a miracle on the Earth. He has become one of my best friends on Earth. His sense of humor is amazing and so natural. His dance moves may be unparalleled. I am amazed at how good of a friend he has been to me over the years. He is an example of happiness and laughter and seems to bring energy and happiness into any setting. He is also an athlete and a talented musician.
My sister, Emily, is a sweet angel, who has helped me so much at BYU. She is very talented and ambitious and has a diligent persistence in being happy and energetic. I'm so grateful for her example. She has been one of my best friends in life; I am so grateful that I have her friendship, now.
Recently I have been blessed with a few new members of my family---my sister-in-law, Jill, and Jill and Aaron's two children, Avery and Jett. They are amazing and help bring such happiness and perspective into my life.
Family is awesome! I hope I can stay even more connected with them in the coming years. I am confident that the more interaction we can have with family, the happier we'll be.

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