Wednesday, July 27, 2016

When I View a Formal Presentation . . .

When I view a formal presentation, I expect that it will be prepared, that the presenters will look nice and at least somewhat formal, that the visual effects will be pleasing to the eye and organized, and that the presentation will sound and feel prepared because I feel like the presenters would have had to have gone through enough preparation to get approval from someone else or a group of people-- including in persuading an audience to their argument-- and to give the information due justice (unless the information is very disagreeable). Also, lose the excuses-- like someone said in class, at the beginning or anywhere in your presentation don't make an excuse of why your presentation may not be very good. In the end, I suppose it is about the argument and being persuasive and honoring your subject material and your listeners. Even if someone weren't doing a presentation for work or a grade, I would still feel that they should give a persuasive argument doing the things mentioned above. Why else take the time to prepare and present?


  1. I think your blog looks nice and calming. The content is easy to read. I'm not sure if the pink hummingbirds are your style, but they add a nice touch to the page. My only suggestion is to change the font style of the blog title to make it stand out a bit more. Otherwise, great blog.

    1. I'd like to amend my previous comment and say that what you've done looks great. The palm trees are a nice background that matches your "summer" title, and the font of your blog title is catchy. I think your blog looks really nice.

  2. I really like the look of your blog. It reminds me of the summer and the birds chirping in the morning. It can use some bold in the title but besides that it is pretty clear to see and read. I think you also make a very valid point with this post. Why else someone wouldn't take the time to get a presentation ready if the the presentation is supposed to influence the audience?
